How Can I Be Anonymous On The Internet?
Anonymous as an adjective means whose name is unknown.
Especially people working in the field of “Cyber Security” are sensitive to confidentiality. Because every transaction we do on the internet is based on web servers, operating systems, etc. ‘log’ records are kept in the units. That’s why being anonymous has actually become part of our job. As a matter of fact, considering today’s technologies, the idea and perception of browsing the internet anonymously has gradually developed in most ordinary people.
So can we really be anonymous? How can we be if we can?
Now, I will tell you about a method that is both free and very useful.
The ‘Tor Browser’ everyone knows, even if somehow hearsay;
It is a software and utility program that is used to protect privacy and provides access to Dark and Deep Web addresses as the abbreviation of “The Onion Router”, which refers to multiple encryption layers. Tor Browser provides your privacy by going through three (3) different layers to the address you want to go to as shown in the figure below. Based on this explanation, it would be wrong to say that using tor is 100% anonymity and 100% more useful than other browsers. These small details that I have explained were actually to give a brief explanation to the questions of where the Tor Network is used and how it works.
Our aim here is complete confidentiality;
To explain that the simplest and most beautiful way to be anonymous for free in browsers such as “Chrome, MozillaFirefox” is through “TOR PROXY”.
Now we come to how we can use ‘Tor Proxy’.
I will do my lecture on ‘kali linux’. Our setup steps;
First, we will need to install tor browser on our system. However, since ‘tor’ is censored in many countries, we will install with any ‘vpn’. For this, you will see a free ‘vpn’ download option in the image and link below. Here you have to select ‘CA_222’ or another ‘vpn’ server and download.
We go to the folder where we downloaded the file with the ‘cd / root / Downloads’ command from the terminal screen. Then we extract our zip file to the folder with the command “unzip VPN .. (the folder name you downloaded)”. Mold any of the files we extracted back. We run the vpn reverse with the “Openvpn (the vpnservice you want)” command. We will see a username query and then ask for a password. These parameters are noted in the address The information here is the necessary methods. After entering this example, it will start the vpn service.
Our current process is to download the ‘tor’ service from the link below that is suitable for your operating system.
We open the terminal screen, then go to the folder where we downloaded it compared with the ‘cd / root / Downloads’ command.
With the command “tar -xf tor-browser-linux64–9.5.4_en-US.tar.xz”, we extract the files from the “tar.xz” file type to the folder.
‘Tor-browser_en-US’ may be folder with this name or another name for you. We go inside our folder. Here we break down the “setup”.
Here is a mistake. Get started. This error will be a permissions error for root users. The simplest way to solve this is going to the folder where we downloaded ‘tor browser’. In this media, we enter the folder that says “Browser” and you will see a file named “start-tor-browser” written in “shell script”. This size ‘nano, geanyileafpad etc.’ We open the document with an editor that you can read and write. We do a ‘root’ search in the ‘search’ part of the editor you are using. We are calling ‘Tor browser package should not be run as root’ until the text appears. The if and fi parameters will appear as a text.
We delete this part, including if and fi. And we exit by saving our file.
Now we can complete our setup process again.
Here I will perform my operations on ‘Mozilla Firefox’. There is a nice plugin for the proxy in the “Mozilla Firefox” browser that we can automatically select the way we cried before. This plugin is “FoxyProxy”.
You can download this plugin from the link
After getting the plugin, we have little to do. First of all, we must first click on the ‘add’ button in the ‘FoxyProxy’ options option. Afterwards, you can give the name you want to the ‘title’ section optionally. The most important part of these definitions is that we have to choose the “SOCKS5” technology while marking the part that says “Proxy Type”. Because ‘Tor Network’ uses this technology. After this process, we need to write ‘’ ip address where it says ‘Proxy IP address or DNS name’. Finally, we need to fill the ‘Port’ section with ‘9050’. ‘Because’ Tor Network ‘automatically runs on the’ 9050 ‘port.
We did everything we needed to do in this part. It’s time to run our service =)
We write the command “service tor start” on our terminal screen and start our service. Then we get our updated information about our service with the “service tor status” command. Then I select the ‘tor proxy’ setting that we have set before from our ‘foxyproxy’ plugin.
And we are free on the Internet now.
If you want to be completely anonymous, if you use licensed or unlicensed ‘VPN’ tools before launching ‘torproxy’ and then use ‘torproxy’ service, 90% full anonymity will be provided.
VPN recommendations;
By Alperen T. Ugurlu
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